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The Heze system - planets are not shown to scale. (Click for full resolution)

The Heze System, also known as the Zeta (ζ) Virginis System, or simply as Heze, is a gravitationally bound system of asteroids and planets orbiting the star Heze located 74.14 lightyears away from Sol. The system, and it's parent star are both estimated to be a young 1.5 billion years old. The system consists of six major planets, Olamide, Petras, Eden, Asther, Pacifica and the captured rogue planet Avalon. The Heze system also holds a number of dwarf planets, the largest of being Odinn, and one red dwarf star, Rouge, also known as Zeta Virginis B.

Heze, unlike Sol, is not separated into multiple regions. Whereas Sol consists of the inner system and outer system, divided by the Asteroid Belt, Heze does not possess a major asteroid belt between the inner terrestrial planets and the outer gas giants (though the planets Asther and Pacifica do possess trojan satellites and form what is known as the pseudo-asteroid belt) and also possesses no starbases to establish sector commands the likes of INCOM and OUTCOM. However, there is a colloquial separation of the inner terrestrial planets of Olamide, Petras, Avalon and Eden, and the outer gas giants of Asther and Pacifica. This division is not recognised by the Sol Defence Corps, but has been used in Naval Development Group official documents.

The majority of planets in the Heze system have recieved minimal research as most attention and funding has gone into researching the anomalous rogue planet Avalon.


Astronomical Classification IndexM-G2V-1S
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Equatorial Radius2.07 R☉
Mass2.04 M⊙
Heze, also known as Zeta (ζ) Virginis (ζ Virginis, Zeta Vir, ζ Vir) is the main gravitational attraction, centre, and 99.76% of mass in the Heze system. Heze is a nearly perfect ball of plasma and an A-type main sequence star, burning primarily hydrogen in it's core with nuclear fusion. It has an average surface temperature of 8131 degrees celsius and a luminosity of 17.8 L☉. Heze is estimated to be 1.5 billion years old. Despite it's youth, it's developmental period appears to have occurred at a much faster rate than that of the average model of star system formation. The star possesses a number of fully-formed, cooled planets such as Eden or the outer gas giants alongside it's younger planets or protoplanets such as Olamide and Petras.

Some theories to explain this may be the second star, Rouge, interfering in the planetary development coalescence within the protoplanetary disc. However this does not align with the theorized origin of Rouge originally being a brown dwarf. This is one of the Heze system's many anomalous properties.


Heze's formation in what is referred to as the Virgo Interstellar Dust Cloud occurred 1.5 billion years ago and is one of the only planets in the theorized dust cloud area to retain a protoplanetary disc other than it's neighbor star Syrma. This dust cloud is also theorised to have formed many other stars in the region as well as many stars which make up the Virgo constellation, including again, Syrma. Rotation of mass collecting from mutual gravity generated heat and lead to the formation of the star Heze, whose size did not inflate to large enough sizes to absorb the rest of the dust cloud in it's region, forming a protoplanetary disc that formed seven of the eight major astronomical bodies in Heze. The eighth, Avalon, is theorised to have been captured 200-300 million years ago. While Avalon's albedo fog blocks sunlight from Heze and forces the planet to depend on geothermal heat for life to form, the heat of Heze does allow life to form on the fourth planet, Eden.


Astronomical Classification IndexHOSLC-sE
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Rotational Period24.6 hours
Mass0.45 M🜨
Orbital Period6.29 days
Olamide, also known as Heze I, is the first and nearest star to Heze notable for it's sickly brown appearance with patches of turquoise stone and mountains formed from ancient, now ceased, tectonic activity. Despite it's appearance, Olamide is one of the older of the inner terrestrial planets judging by it's signs of now dormant tectonic and volcanic activity. The name Olamide is derivative of a late member of one of the initial studies of the Heze system, Obu Olamide, named in his honour. Few studies of Olamide have been conducted as attention and funding has been given to the study of Avalon.


Olamide's surface and overall composition consists of high amounts of silicon, with phosphorous and sulfur covering the surface and giving the planet it's distinct colour. There are also believed to be massive deposits of copper and aluminium on the surface of Olamide which contribute to the patches of turquoise rock. Large patches of mountains are found around the equator of Olamide and are believed to be dormant volcanoes organized into clusters.

These mountains are eroding constantly however, as the planet's proximity to Heze means it receives immense solar winds despite Heze being an A-type main sequence stars, which means it has weaker solar winds.



Astronomical Classification IndexSOSLC-sE
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Natural SatellitesNumerous trojan satellites
Rotational Period74.4 hours
Mass0.45 M🜨
Orbital Period1.9 days
Petras, also known as Heze II, is the second star from Heze and the only remaining protoplanet in the otherwise young Heze system. Notable for it's blue glow and massive patches of formative molten rock, the former a consequence of the latter. The lava-covered surface is caused by meteorite impacts, and consists of large heavy metal deposits, making the protoplanet Petras a prospective target for mining enterprises with the equipment necessary to work surrounded by scorching lava. Few studies of Petras have been conducted as attention and funding has been given to the study of Avalon.


Petras is believed to have formerly been a binary planet similar to Pluto and Charon, whose orbit deteriorated and caused the planets to collide with each other due to orbital interference.

This theory is supported by the many small asteroid satellites that Petras has despite being a small protoplanet. Many of these satellites have had similarly deteriorated orbits and have crashed into the surface of Petras, creating large patches of lava all across the surface of the planet. Other theories include that Petras has captured some of the meteorites and asteroids that typically strike, or that both occur at once.

Petras is the youngest planet in Heze and is composed primarily of silicate with it's meteorite impacts adding a presence of heavy metals.‎



Avalon SE Landscape.png
Astronomical Classification IndexTTMRN/H-sE
AffiliationFinal Frontier Project
AtmosphereN2, O2, Co2
Rotational Period31h, 43m, 02.43s
Mass1.09 M🜨
Orbital Period3.325 years

Main article: Avalon

Avalon, officially known as Heze (/ˈhiːziː/, hee-zee) III, is a terrestrial planet located in the Heze (Zeta Virginis) binary system, located 74 lightyears away from Sol in the Virgo constellation. Classified as an anomalous body by the Sol Defence Corps, the planet is a myriad of dualities - a habitable atmosphere and abundant wildlife clash dramatically with its toxic soil and poisonous oceans. Avalon is covered in a greenhouse fog that partially blocks light from its parent stars, its lukewarm temperature instead coming from the planet's highly volcanically active crust. Avalon is the only planet in the Heze system which is classified as habitable.

Heze was discovered in June 2047 via the transit method of it intersecting its parent star. However, the planet's thick fog had masked its unique properties and was not considered a habitable planet until advanced technologies had allowed scientists to discover its atmospheric composition remotely, prompting it as a prime habitable candidate and marking it for later exploration by the Final Frontier Project.


Avalon is a terrestrial planet slightly over half the volume of Earth, but with twice the density, giving a gravitational pull of approximately 0.86 G, meaning minimal adjustment is required for anyone stepping foot on the planet. Much of Avalon is geologically active, with earthquakes and volcanoes creating hot springs which form steaming lakes. Although it is an uncommon sight, some of these lakes can grow to incredible size, rivaling that of even the Caspian. Despite the otherwise hostile implications set forth by the planet's activity, pockets of life containing fauna and flora exist in patches which surround these lakes, creating a network of oases which are shrouded in a purple hue brought along by the colour of the glowfruit Tree's leaves.

Radiometric dating of bedrock samples as far as 2.3 miles below the surface of the planet have led to the discovery that Avalon as a planet is 3.4 billion years old, nearly 3 billion years older than its parent star, Heze. This has led to the theory that Avalon is, in fact a captured, formerly rogue planet from a distant star system, owing to its highly eccentric orbit and unusual rotational period. Avalon's original star system, as well as how it had sustained life even while rogue, still remains a mystery.


Astronomical Classification IndexTTCMRN-H-1E
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
AtmosphereN2, O2, Co2
Rotational Period29 hours
Mass1.03 M🜨
Orbital Period5.06 days
Eden, also known as Heze IV, is the fourth planet from Heze and one of it's older native planets. Possessing liquid water and nearly identical conditions to an early, developing Earth with a similarly deceptive appearance, further studies of Eden are planned to occur as soon as initial surveys and studies of Avalon have concluded, and the colonial administrations have been established. Eden also possesses early multicellular life measuring centimetres in length, but is deceptively not habitable for humans due to high amounts of toxic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Few studies of Eden have been conducted as attention and funding has been given to the study of Avalon.


Eden is the third oldest planet in the Heze system after the gas giants Asther and Pacifica, and is the second most thoroughly researched. Unlike the other terrestrial planets, which are untouched, missions have been sent to Eden to research it - an early-development planet almost identical to early models of Earth is invaluable knowledge to scientists. Missions have concluded that the surface of Eden is both extremely toxic due to carbon dioxide and an incredibly cold surface - completely covered in snow and ice - and can only be traversed with use of insulated hardsuits.

Early multicellular life has been found in both oceans and on lands, with both oceanic and surface life measuring centimetres in length. Underneath the snow and ice covering the surface of the planet is fertile soil protected from the toxic atmosphere. Naval Development Group researchers are looking to initiate further missions to Eden as soon as possible, but it is believed that studies will not be conducted until a permanent colony and colonial administration is established on Avalon.


Astronomical Classification IndexJOV
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Natural SatellitesRedford, Shaori, numerous trojans
AtmosphereH2, He
Rotational Period87 hours
Mass413 M♃
Orbital Period7.95 days
Asther, also known as Heze V, is the fifth planet from Heze and the largest planet in the system with a radius of 114,606 km. Notable for it's overall purple appearance, where it's name Asther, a perennial purple flower, is derivative of, and it's beige and lavender bands. It's purple appearance is due to high amounts of vaporized iodine compounds rising up into the atmosphere, whereas the beiger bands are believed to be derivative of sulfur or phosphorous compounds similar to Jupiter. Once every several years - currently not measured - Asther and it's moons are visible from Avalon to the naked eye due to Avalon's high eccentric orbit, just scraping a safe distance away from the gas giant.


Asther is the first planet in the Heze system to be discovered from Earth by use of the transit method of it intersecting Heze. The planet is 1.3 times larger than Jupiter and is planned to become the economic outpost of the Heze system in coming years similar to how Jupiter is the economic core of Sol, and is to host a major starbase and anchorage. Asther houses many trojan asteroids captured from the orbit of Pacifica, many of which constitute a pseudo-asteroid belt between Asther and Pacifica, with some being flung out into the Oort cloud of Heze.

Asther possesses only two large moons, Redford and Shaori. Redford is notable for it's highly volcanic surface and Shaori is notable for being especially visible from Avalon during their flyby periods, having a larger orbital radius from Asther than Redford. Though no studies have been conducted due to the focus on Avalon, Shaori may contain a subsurface ocean of liquid water caused by tidal heating.


Astronomical Classification IndexICG
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Natural SatellitesMobe, Jasmine, Astlana, numerous trojans
AtmosphereH2, H2O, CH4
Rotational Period33 hours
Mass731 M♃
Orbital Period21.3 days
Pacifica, also known as Heze VI, is the sixth planet from Heze and the second largest. Named and renowned for it's ocean-blue appearance, wavy bands and inner atmosphere of water vapour, the extreme pressure of the core allowing for the ideal conditions for exotic states of ice to form. Despite having over twice the mass of Jupiter, the density of the water which comprises much of Pacifica makes it only a tenth of the radius. Though both the deeper and lighter blues are both results of water vapour and hydrogen, and dark blue bands near the southern pole of the planet is caused by methane.


Pacifica was discovered around the same time as Asther, making Heze one of the first stars to reveal two planets at once using the transit method. Much like Asther, Pacifica also hosts a number of trojan asteroids which are largely shared by Asther and Pacifica, many of the trojans being flung from one's gravitational pull to the other before being flung out towards the Oort cloud. Their trojan asteroids together form the pseudo-asteroid belt.

Pacifica hosts three major moons, Mobe, Jasime and Astlana, each of which in close enough proximity to Pacifica to host subsurface oceans which are made especially likely due to Pacifica's introduction of water and ice to the Pacifican system.

Mobe is especially likely to support a subsurface ocean as it's surface is dotted with numerous elevations believed to be geysers dispensing what is believed to be water vapour. Each moon of Pacifica is comprised mainly of ice, with very smooth surfaces with Jasmine being the smoothest object in the Heze system, and each decorated with lineae.


TypeDwarf Planet
Astronomical Classification IndexFOFER-sE
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Rotational Period89.4 hours
Mass0.025 M🜨
Orbital Period33.6 days

Odinn, also known as Heze VII, is a dwarf planet and the second final major astronomical body in the Heze system. Composed primarily of iron and ice, Odinn appears to have been the core of a former planet. Curiously, Odinn spins almost perpendicular to it's orbit, which is shifted ever so slightly each year by Rouge, which passes close by at one point in it's orbital period. It is predicted that the planet will eventually be pulled into Rouge's gravitational attraction and be destroyed millions of years from now. Odinn has captured few trojan satellites from Asther and Pacifica, however, most of the satellites it accumulates are stolen by Rouge during their near orbit periods. The planet is named after Odin, the chief deity of Norse religion.


Odinn is theorized to be the former core of a planet judging by it's composition of almost entirely iron and water ice. An explanation for how it's former planet had lost all of it's material is several past collisions with other protoplanets on the outskirts of Heze. However, there is little evidence to prove that other protoplanets existed as far out. These planets were either rendered rogue, flung out of the system by Rouge, or formerly orbited Rouge and had their orbits deteriorated over time either due to instability or following the aforementioned collisions with Rouge.

Alongside spinning perpendicular to it's orbit, Odinn also has a very high rotational velocity for it's relatively small size. This may also be related to interactions with Rouge, but since studies of Odinn have been put on pause to focus on Avalon, only speculation can currently explain the many unanswered questions of Odinn.


Astronomical Classification IndexM-G2V-1S
AffiliationSol Defence Corps
Equatorial Radius0.186 R☉
Mass0.186 M⊙
Rouge, also known as Heze B or Zeta Virginis B (ζ Virginis B, Zeta Vir B, ζ Vir B) is an M-class red dwarf star distantly orbitting Heze. It marks the end of major astronomical bodies in the Heze system, bridging the region between the main planets and the Hezean Oort cloud. Due to it's low luminosity, it fails to light up any planets in the system in a significant manner. It is outshone by Heze during the day, but is visible to the naked eye at night. It has no planets to call it's own, but has captured a number of asteroids and dwarf moons.


Rouge is theorized to have once been a brown dwarf star formed in the protoplanetary disc of early Heze, and remained as such for a long time before coming into contact with a gas giant to force it's core to reach critical mass and undergo fusion. Remnants of this gas giant are being searched for as it is unlikely that the planet was rendered rogue by the collision. Alternatively, it could have been absorbed by Rouge which is what caused the extra mass to cause the core to undergo fusion.

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