Missions of the Peacekeeper Corps


Below is a list of notable peackeeping operations undertaken by the Peacekeeper Corps since 2048.

Map of United Nations interim governments and administrations.

United Nations Middle East Crisis-Relief Committee (UNMECRC) (2048-)

Following the collapse of the main petrostates within the Middle East, Peacekeepers stepped in to stabilize the region, mainly just going around the middle-east to put down remnants of the old regimes' militaries while barring Russia from intervening given their previous behavior, all the while setting up humanitarian aid stations at cities in places such as Syria, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, and Cyprus.

After the passage of the Constellation Act, the United Nations took a much more hands-on approach to securing peace in the Middle-East, establishing a series of committee-based interim governments in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the various Arabian petrostates, headed by locals of the region, with the Peacekeeper Corps acting as the temporary military for these petrostates as well as their wardens. Considering these governments were propped up entirely by the UN and at the same time did bring stability to the chaotic region, it did wonders for the United Nations' credibility, and in fact began to amend their harsh reputation in some regions of the world, even if it didn't completely get rid of the PR damage of becoming more interventionist.

The United Nations itself grossly underestimated how long it would take the Middle-East to stabilize, time immemorial, leading to the entrenching of the United Nations Interim Governments in Arabia and Iran as "indefinite temporary" governments, as the second the UN began any attempts to scale back, the states would be held up by nothing and the interim governments were brought to the bring of cannibalization of the nation.

As a result of this predicament, the United Nations would be thrust into a position of constant responsibility and nurturing over the Middle East until a more permanent solution could be found. As of present day, there has been no sustainable solution to complete, proper, Middle-Eastern self-governance.

United Nations Humanitarian Efforts in Pakistan, Peacekeeping and Assistance of Government and Police Formation in Jammu-Kashmir (UN-HPGPF-JK) (2051-)

Pakistan was one of the countries most devastated by the effects of nuclear fallout of the Gulf Collapse, while uninvolved in the conflict itself. The western Pakistani province of Balochistan didn't have the landscape-based shield that the rest of Pakistan had, which meant it was fully subject to the fallout and within weeks much of the province had become irradiated beyond the point of safe habitability. Southern Afghanistan, which had also been in a similar predicament like Balochistan, was included in the Margo U.N. administration as that was more efficient than establishing an entirely new mission for these two regions that were already neighboring another mission.

Escalation between Pakistan, Bharat and China

However with UN humanitarian efforts in country, Pakistan began to gradually staff more military personnel on the Kashmiri border with Bharat on July 27th, 2051 as the government had grown paranoid, thinking that Bharat or China might take advantage of their weakened state. Naturally seen as an escalation of tensions rather than paranoia of a weakened state, Bharat scaled up its own border-forces within a few hours, which subsequently got the attention of the Federal Republic of China which began to move more military personnel itself to be devoted to the border in light of a possible conflict that would be ready within the day. Seeing the tensions between the three nations spiking, the United Nations quickly stepped in to host diplomatic talks between the states, of which only China had shown up given it had no idea what was going on with Bharat and Pakistan's sudden military scale-up. Unbeknownst to the United Nations, Bharat had assumed that Pakistan was using the United Nations as a crutch to do an illegal land grab, while Pakistan thought that its worst suspicions were true with Bharat meeting its military capacity on the border and thus the two became mostly inconsolable. Riding off the de facto "world-policing" authority that was vested in it by precedence of their role in The Crisis, the United Nations mobilized Peacekeepers from the Middle East and using China as a staging ground given their cooperation in wanting to be diplomatic.

While the United Nations absolutely wanted to prevent conflict over territorial disputes such as Jammu-Kashmir, a large chunk of their concern was because Bharat and Pakistan were both nuclear powers and as such the anticipated devastation would've been much greater than in The Crisis. Surprisingly, probably out of shock from both of the respective governments given how overt the United Nations was being in the last few years, a delayed response from the Bharatianand Pakistani governments issued formal statements of compliance with the United Nations. On the ground however, it was still palpably tense and as United Nations Peacekeepers were moving to man the Line of Control between the two states, a series of border-skirmishes broke out across the LoC in contrast to the statements of compliance by Bharat and Pakistan at the news that the United Nations was arriving.

By then, the border forces hadn't gotten the news about the compliance statements by their governments, and had only heard the United Nations' statement of intervention, leading to a major confusion and subsequent drawing of conclusions that open war had begun. Within a couple of hours, nearly 65,000 troops total on both sides had either been injured or killed until the United Nations showed up with the official government declarations in hand, unanimously instating "International Garrisoning" across the LoC to expel both the Bharatianand Pakistani border-troops for the time being. Antoine Blanchet was reportedly "deeply disappointed" in the lack of proper communication between the governments and their militaries, and as a result appealed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for advice.

Establishment of Jammu & Kashmir Interim Government

Following some deliberations, Bharat, Pakistan and China would be made to leave the region of Jammu-Kashmir, which initially shocked China before being told that they would be participating in the interim process of what came to be Kashmiri independence. This led to the establishment of the UNHPGPFJK Mission, which not only allocated Pakistan its own resources for humanitarian aid, but also established a new goal of making the Kashmir region its own nation-state. Naturally Bharat and Pakistan both raised objections to this before the United Nations shut them down and reprimanded both governments for being irresponsible as nuclear powers and that they lost the trust to properly manage the region. The United Nations, while distinctly involved in the process of statehood, merely elevated the peaceful elements of the JKLF to have them ease into governance on their own while providing oversight.

After the passage of the Constellation Act in 2052, efforts shifted from just watching and advising the JKLF into outright helping lay the foundation of statehood and governance alongside Kashmiri elements, of which this direct involvement was also made to ensure peaceful cooperation between the Muslim and Buddhist populations that took up a majority of the region, while protecting the Hindu minority in the south of Kashmir. In 2055, the first proper elections in the new "Jammu-Kashmiri Federal Republic" took place after several years of standardizing laws between the former Pakistan-administrated and former Bharat-administrated portions of the country, and by 2057 the Pakistani part of the UNHPGPFJK Mission officially concluded once the government had properly gotten back into the saddle in administering aid and repairing damages caused by fallout.

Presently, the Jammu-Kashmiri Federal Republic remains a UN Administration despite its semi-independence as a way of guaranteeing cooperation between the various groups of people in the nation, as well as safeguarding the Republic from Bharat, Pakistan, or possibly China if they change their mind about the statehood of Jammu-Kashmir. This governance style means that a prime-minister is elected by the people whilst the United Nations elects their own president of the region, these two wielding executive power and encouraging cooperation with the JKFR and the UN.

United Nations Assistance of Government and Police Formation in Southern Cyprus (UN-AGPF-SC) (2053-)

In 2053, the nature of the previous UNFICYP changed in light of Peacekeeper militarization and a more politically involved United Nations, a congressional government being established jointly between Greek and Turkish Cypriots with heavy oversight by the United Nations Peacekeeper Corps and the Sol Policing Agency. This worked for awhile but was a glaring point of scathing criticism toward the United Nations given that it was effectively a state governed by the Secretariat, even if it was forcing the Greek and Turkish population to cooperate.

Of which, they were initially apprehensive to the idea but had to warm up to it in light of being strong-armed by Peacekeeping forces, though this ended up where it went poorly for both Cyprus and the United Nations. In light of being forced to cooperate with what came to be viewed as a regime by some subset of the Cypriot population, terror cells drawn along Greek and Turkish lines, the first ones cropping up in 2061 and persisting to this day. While not nearly as an elusive threat as the AFF is, the various Greek and Turkish cells are incredibly persistent, the question being raised of foreign funding by either of the respective nation-states, Greece and Turkey. As of yet, requested audits of the countries have been floated around but haven't been formally passed.

United Nations Restoration of Human Rights and Representative Democracy in Venezuela (UN-RHD-V) (2059-2068)

In light of recent UN-AGPF-SC Mission, several countries with autocratic leanings saw the forced installment of a constitutional system with oversight by an international community as a threat. In some ways it was an autocratic domino effect some of these nations began to adopt, the first of which being Venezuela which had surprisingly weathered the Oil Crisis due to it already economically mismanaged their oil reserves and were already in a economic trough. Essentially, Venezuela was already at the bottom, and it could only go up and a result had to wean off being a petrostate. Regardless, the Venezuelan President began making what started out as slight jabs at the Guyanese government and the United Nations to claims of rightful territorial ownership of the Essequibo region.

Naturally there were attempts to mediate and talk down the Venezuelan President, though it became clear it was out of defiance of the United Nations' newly vested authority and shift from a reactive organization to a proactive one. As it became clear that Venezuela was going to escalate tensions to a military point, the Peacekeeper Corps scrambled combined-arms formations and the, at the time, newly formed Peacekeeper Corps Army Rapid-Response Force for a planned decisive strike. As expected, the claims and insults broke out in an illegal land-grab and sudden invasion of Western Guyana in 2059, though the invasion force was stopped by Peacekeepers in Guyana. This invasion also culminated in the official creation of the UN-RHD-V mission, with the United Nations counter-attack beginning shortly after and routing the Venezuelan Military back over the border, and even crossing the border themselves as it was made clear the UNPKC forces present weren't going to stop, though the military command received contradictory or false reports as a result of PKCA-RRF deployments at Venezuelan Forward Observation posts.

This meant that the Venezuelan President was entirely clueless as to where the PKC was in his country until they were at his doors in Caracas, being forced to abdicate power and stand trial for an illegal war alongside his cabinet. With the Venezuelan President out of the picture, the United Nations would step in and form an interim administration, the goal being to transition the country from the electoral autocracy to a proper electoral system with safeguards to ensure free and fair elections. By 2065, the presence of the United Nations had gone from direct administration to oversight, the first elections held a year later, with the first non-USPV president elected since 1999. By 2067, the Sol Policing Agency had only a few dozen representatives, and by 2068 the United Nations had fully pulled out save for some charity and humanitarian organizations. As of 2117, Venezuela is a functioning South American state having taken strides to mend relations with Guyana, and is presently a large contributor of United Nations humanitarian volunteers.

United Nations Reunification and Reintegration Mission of Korea (UN-RRM-K) (2065-2086)

The capitulation of Venezuela and subsequent Peacekeeping mission shook not just the autocratic community's opinion, but much of the world's opinion on the United Nations, some taking Venezuela as an example of how things were going to be with the United Nations at the helm. The North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Ju-ae presumably knew that the United Nations was going to come knocking eventually, and North Korea would definitively lose if it came to blows. So as a result, she took a foreign policy stance toward the reunification of Korea, even if it meant North Korea would be in a subordinate position. Naturally any old-guard would vehemently disapprove of this, so these talks were initially kept secret, starting in 2062 and ending in 2065, when the United Nation was decided to be the intermediary between the two nations as a neutral third party.

This was also when the UN-RRM-K operation was officially established, with PKC assets being dispatched to man the DMZ in addition to North/South Korean, and American troops, alongside being the architects of Korean unification. As expected, not everyone viewed this favorably, especially North Korean military officials, with them orchestrating a coup and briefly taking control from Kim Ju-ae, who had received a Peacekeeper security detail at the DMZ, the coup being anticipated both by Kim Ju-ae, the South Korean government, and the United Nations. This brief seizure of control was short-lived with the deployment of PKCA-RRF assets recently utilized in Venezuela into Pyongyang to quickly counteract the coup and apprehend the perpetrators. With an immediate return to the status quo, the message was clear, Korean reunification would happen and the United Nations would guide it.

Much of what happens after the failed coup is solely time-intensive as the process for political reunification is started in 2066 and finalizes in 2072, starting off with standardization of law between the two nations with respect with how the two Korean cultures separately evolved in their own unique ways considering one lived in a political bubble for much of its history. Still, the region of North Korea was terribly impoverished, starting off the second phase of the UN-RRM-K Mission which was "reintegration", which mostly consisted of pouring much of funding, both through the United Nations from the organization itself and other countries sending financial aid, and South Korea chipping in their own cash and labor-force to get to work on modernizing North Korea.

While the pieces were all there and progress was being made, it was still terribly slow starting off at square one, and the United Nations Mission only concluded in 2086 once infrastructure in the North was up-to-standard with the South, having taken a total of 21 years to conclude, 14 of which were modernizing Northern Korea. After the conclusion of the mission, Kim Ju-ae was largely seen as a unifier of the Korean people and despite her old age, was unanimously elected as President of Korea, serving a single term and being regarded as a great mediator within Korea. After her one term, she retired back to modernized Pyongyang, and passed away from a heart condition a few months later.

United Nations Mission in Ireland (UN-M-I) (2089-)

From 2086 to 2088, the Sol Policing Agency in cooperation with the Garda Síochána, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, and the United Kingdom, noted an increase of misplaced arms-materiel and cases of unknown quartermaster-based fraud, as well as an increase in arrests related to arms trafficking. Initially, this was shrugged off as the New Irish Republican Army (abbrev. NIRA) and the Continuity Irish Republican Army (abbrev. CIRA) trying to expand their criminal market, so police forces treated it as normal business. However, in 2089 a series of IEDs had slipped past the radar of the SPA and local law enforcement due to not perceiving a present threat, among other factors, which led to the bombings of the Sol Policing Agency Branch Offices in Belfast, Derry, and Newry, as well as PSNI police stations in those cities. In total, there would be about 67 casualties, 22 fatalities, 9 of which were Sol Policing Agency officers in what came to be known as the "First Blood of Second Troubles".

Beginning of the Second Troubles

Shortly after the bombings, the NIRA and CIRA made a joint announcement stating that they completely merged their operations to form the "Grand Irish Republican Army" (abbrev. GIRA), and would wage a "forever-war" against the "imperialist" United Nations who they viewed as subjugators of the people of Earth, Mars, and Ireland, with their peacekeepers as "attack-dogs". Of course, on top of hatred against the United Nations, there was still sectarian reasons behind conflict, albeit this reason they espoused essentially gave their movement a "big-tent" appeal. Given the split-nature of the UN from when this took place, the PKC was not able to fully contribute its forces to counteract the GIRA, thus responsibility laid solely with the SPA and local law-enforcement for the time being.

While an incredibly competent organization, the Sol Policing Agency had their work cut out for them as it was found out the GIRA had effectively infiltrated the PSNI and Garda, which was a major contributing factor other than the GIRA being dismissed as a non-threat, which made it to where UN-Friendly forces were fighting a force they could not see or fight head on, but one that could see their every move. From 2089 onwards, the UN officially chartered UNSMIRE Operation for the purposes of stabilizing and restoring peace in the Emerald Isle, as well as the complete dismantling of the GIRA and the arrest of the top officials to try in a court of law. While bold, the SPA still had a lot of work ahead of them, as it also turned out the Anti-UN rhetoric was not only more popular, but proved to be much more prevalent to even winning even some fence-sitters to the GIRA and the Anti-UN Idea more so than sectarianism. This meant that on top of fighting an asymmetrical war, the SPA had to fight an unpopular one. Regardless, the Sol Policing Agency alongside Irish and British law enforcement agencies focused on defense and consolidation, they would not organize big man-hunts until the PKC could show up in force, shifting into a reactive stance and the establishment of quick-response police units to mitigate the effects of the constant bombings, skirmishes, and general violence that would be leveraged against them by an unseen foe over the years.

The UN-Friendly forces managed to not lose ground to the GIRA, though the hearts and minds of the locals was wavering by 2095 due to inactivity, however with a majority of Peacekeepers freed up that weren't actively tied to the HACORM Operation, the Sol Policing Agency got reinforcements they desperately needed. With consolidation by PKC-Military elements, the law-enforcement agencies would receive a massive bulwark against the GIRA. Now on their front-foot, the Sol Policing Agency would now be able to take a proactive stance, acting on received intelligence with consolidation by the PKCA to round up GIRA members in their hideouts while confiscating their weapons-materiel.


Unfortunately, despite how much ground the PKC opened up against the GIRA, they always seemed to have more ground to fallback to before reclaiming what was taken, having been given too much time to entrench themselves and establish roots throughout the isle and outside. The side of the locals wavered county-by-county, town-by-town, and the United Nations could never be totally sure if the locals supported them or not, and who was a hidden enemy or not. However, they did earn some good reputation for themselves by opening up humanitarian and recovery branches within the Republic of Ireland and Ulster for the locals personally effected by terrorism. This open-door policy in aid unfortunately made them susceptible to information gathering by the enemy, but it was either that or lose more and more of the locals as the asymmetrical conflict went on.

As of the present day, the GIRA has solidified itself as an unseen organization that seems to be getting its desired "forever-war". However, luckily for the UN the GIRA seems to have scaled down its activities even if it is still present, leading some to believe that perhaps its exhausting its reserves, though there isn't any clear confirmation. The UN is viewed with mixed feelings, generally liked in the urban portions of Ulster(including Donegal), Leinster, and Connacht, but either viewed ambivalently or hated everywhere else.

Humanitarian Aid and Civil Order Restoration of Mars (HACORM) (2095-2107)

Shortly after the Martian Revolution, the HACORM Peacekeeping Operation would be chartered with the intent of distribution humanitarian aid and some elements of the Sol Policing Agency that weren't occupied with Ireland would be sent as law-enforcement instructors with the PKC to secure order amidst martial law. This also included the repair of infrastructure and compensation for lives lost, though the UN had already lost their reputation on Mars as a result of Olympia, though development was put to good use rather than applications of terrorism. Of terrorism, the AFF would become a similar thorn in the PKC and SPA's side like the GIRA in Ireland, with not only terrorists but opportunistic atmospheric privateers-turned-pirates plundering humanitarian aid convoys inbound for the provinces that had remained loyal to the UN during the Revolution.

However, given the perception by the UN that their reputation could not possibly worsen after Olympia and the general war-exhaustion from the Revolution, the SPA would organize joint operations with PKCA-RRF to engage in decisive strikes against known hideouts of the AFF and the "Rogue Martian Elements" as the pirates and terrorists that didn't strictly fall within the lines of the AFF came to be called. In regards to the civil-front, the Sol Policing Agency did their best to maintain an image of being Peacekeepers rather than Peace-"Enforcers", having strict procedure and rules of engagement when working against Martian protests/riots. Other than that, the SPA actually had a relatively easy time beginning to rebuild the local Martian Government in regards to actual administration, it was mainly the war of popularity that they were losing, at least initially. By 2099, 87% of infrastructure damage caused by the Revolution had been repaired or replaced entirely, local representation was mostly functioning in Mariner and the Southern Highlands, the Martian Gendarmerie had been reformed and had undergone the process of "de-Kauffing", to weed out the Revolutionary elements, though this only appeared to be partially successful as AFF operatives still managed to get employment with some elements of the Gendarmerie.

With local law-enforcement that didn't hate the UN established, the SPA began to slowly shift into an administrative role rather than a direct law-enforcement role by 2102. Around this time, provincial governance had fully been restored in Mariner and the Southern Highlands, with the devastated province of Tharsis on the road to recovery, though it still had a long way to go. It was by 2105 that all infrastructure damage from the war save for Tharsis had been fully repaired and replaced, with local governance restored in portions of the province. In 2106, the Martian Gendarmerie took the full responsibilities of policing and the new Martian Administration had gotten properly settled in Aquila with advisors from the United Nations to help get the new authority settled in place. Within that same year, the first elections would be held with the election of a new Governor, alongside a slew of local representatives. The HACORM Peacekeeping Operation officially ended in 2107, with the full withdrawal of Peacekeeping forces, only leaving the necessary United Nations officials on Mars, bureaucrats, diplomats, the like. From 2107 on, Mars would make a remarkable recovery, with some portions of the planet able to move on from the Revolution. At least in terms of their infrastructure, the soul of the Martian people would forever hold the generational weight of Olympia.

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