Security Radio Codes


Masters-at-Arms and other kinds of security officers utilise a radio code system in order to prevent intelligence leaks during emergencies or during patrols. On mainline military vessels, radio codes are typically not employed unless the ship is in currently in Condition Amber, Blue or Red to prevent intelligence leaks, but radio codes are frequently used on vessels with civilian contractors for the same reason police officers utilise radio codes. Security Radio Codes used by the Sol Defence Corps also employ suffixes.

It is HEAVILY recommended to use these radio codes cosmetically. Many roleplayers may not know about this article and will be effectively shut out of the roleplay. For example, frame your actions like this:

"10-43, please inform medical of an injury in the shuttle bay."

"10-41, (fight in progress) Deck 02 hallway."

Suffix Legend

H Humanoid
N Nonhumanoid
O Organic
S Synthetic Robotic
D Droid Robotic
Ex. 10-47-HS (Mental Subject, Humanoid, Synthetic)

Basic Communication

10-0 Use Caution 10-10 Negative 10-20 Location 10-30 Danger / Caution
10-1 Signal Weak 10-11 Other Officer On Duty 10-21 Call ( ) on PDA 10-31 Pick Up
10-2 Signal Good 10-12 Stand By 10-22 Disregard 10-32 Units Needed (Specify)
10-3 Stop Transmitting 10-13 Atmospheric Conditions 10-23 Arrived at Scene 10-33 Need Immediate Assistance
10-4 Affirmative (OK) 10-14 Message/Information 10-24 Assignment Completed 10-34 Current Time
10-5 Relay To/From 10-15 Message Delivered 10-25 Report to (Meet) 10-35 Beginning Patrol
10-6 Busy 10-16 Reply to Message 10-26 Estimated Arrival Time (ETA) 10-36 Ending Patrol
10-7 Out of Service 10-17 Enroute 10-27 Crewmate Clearance Information 10-37 In Pursuit
10-8 In Service 10-18 Urgent 10-28 Service Records Check 10-38 Prepare to Receive an Assignment
10-9 Say Again 10-19 (In) Contact 10-29 Shift Records Check 10-39 Improper Use of Radio

Crime Details

10-40 Crime in Progress 10-50 Brig Break
10-41 Fight in Progress 10-51 Suspicious Disturbance
10-42 Trespassing in Progress 10-52 Disturbance by Violent Actions
10-43 Notify Medical Examiner 10-53 Disturbance by Verbal Actions
10-44 Report of Death 10-54 Found Contraband
10-45 Requesting Medical Detail 10-55 Found Contraband on Person
10-46 Mutiny Attempt 10-56 Intoxicated on Shift
10-47 Mental Subject 10-57 Injured Person
10-48 Riot 10-58 Dead Body Found
10-49 Bomb Threat 10-59 Identify Suspect

Detainment Details

10-60 Detaining Crewmate
10-61 Detaining Suspect
10-62 Detaining Mentally Unwell Crewmate
10-63 Detaining Command Officer
10-64 Detaining Department Officer
10-65 Detaining Special Operative
10-66 Detaining Stowaway
10-67 Detaining Unknown Hostile
10-68 Detaining Foreign Liaison
10-69 Prisoner in Custody


10-70 Explosion
10-71 Severe Accident
10-72 Fire Alarm
10-73 Nature of Fire
10-74 Fire in Progress
10-75 Smoke Visible
10-76 No Smoke Visible
10-77 Gas Leak
10-78 Firelocks Active
10-79 Firelocks Inactive
10-80 Shuttle Accident

Active Combat

10-81 Request Special Operations
10-82 Hostile Boarding in Progress
10-83 Requesting Hardsuit Backup
10-84 Requesting Deck Lockdown
10-85 Requesting Traffic Control
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