

By the 2100s, private companies have rose to power to orders of magnitude more than the previous centuries. Megacorporations rose into prominence during the deregulation periods of the 2040s, and as a result massive conglomerates produce and service many different industries and own many subsidiary companies. This is a list of the most prominent corporations in the SSRP universe.


Megacorporations form the largest companies in the solar system, controlling vast amounts of trade and industry and often holding a monopoly on at least one key global industry. Global market deregulation and destabilisation in the 2040s throughout the 2060s led to the rise of now-industry titans such as AXIOM and Gansai Industries.

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AXIOM Corporation

Main article: AXIOM Corporation

  • Stock ticker: AXMM
  • Headquarters: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Market value: 75.5 trillion

AXIOM is an American energy and space megacorporation and the largest private company in the solar system by market value and revenue. Boasting PMC, aerospace, R&D, applied energetics and quantum sciences divisions, it focuses primarily on enterprise and organization-oriented services, often partnering with various countries and even the United Nations on several projects.

As a co-founding member of the Final Frontier Project, AXIOM is a sponsor and one of the benefitors of the research agreement formed between the Sol Defence Corps and the company. Its researchers have taken particular interest in Avalon and are eager to see results from the exploration missions sent to its surface.

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Gansai Industries

Main article: Gansai Industries

  • Stock ticker: GNSI
  • Headquarters: Gansai City, Osaka, Japan / Incheon, Korea
  • Market value: 53.1 trillion

Gansai Industries is a Japanese-Korean technology conglomerate and the second largest megacorporation in the system. Focusing on robotics, mining, hardware and artificial intelligence, Gansai is the leading developer of artificial intelligence technology and supplies most of the AI and robotics systems onboard Sol Defence Corps ships, such as the Emissary. Its A.Is are second-to-none in power and sentience, and even have built the first AI capable of passing the Turing test in the 2080s.

With a heavy emphasis on vertical integration, Gansai derives most of its raw materials from its mining divisions and, as a result, most of its products are sourced, manufactured and developed entirely in-house, cutting down the need for royalties or partnerships with other companies. Despite this, it is not opposed to forming agreements with other companies and has cooperated with other notable groups for projects such as the tallest building in Japan, Gansai Tower, forming the headquarters of several companies and organizations.

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Praxis Biotech

Main article: Praxis Biotech

  • Stock ticker: PRXS
  • Headquarters: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Market value: 43.7 trillion

One of the leading biotech and pharmaceutical companies is Praxis, an Australian megacorporation that has patented - or purchased - a majority of the most innovative medicines in usage today. It is responsible for pioneering the latest medicines capable of healing grave wounds and regularly develops drugs that might have been considered miracle potions even in the 21st century. It is one of the companies that contributed to the eradication of AIDS by 2035.

The company made several major breakthroughs in the late 2090s to early 2100s with A.I-powered organism simulations, capable of simulating the effects of drugs on lab animals without using real specimens. After their accuracy was confirmed by the UN government following hundreds of double-blind trials, the technology affords the company, and those who license it, billions in saved credits and years in saved time for their medicines in addition to placating animal activists.

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Royal Arms Manufacturing

  • Stock ticker: RAM
  • Headquarters: Manchester, England, United Kingdom / Argyre, Mars
  • Market value: 41.4 trillion

Royal Arms Manufacturing (RAM) is a British-Dutch defence and weapons manufacturer and the largest supplier of small arms to militaries around the globe, responsible for developing the M7A3 rifle and AE9 pistol in use by the Sol Defence Corps during the Martian Revolution. Formed out of a gigantic merger of several firearms manufacturers, RAM now additionally produces explosive ordnance, such as torpedoes and railgun technologies, for usage in space combat.

In addition to combat, RAM additionally offers more intelligence-oriented products such as ship-mounted sensor arrays, combat advisor A.Is, and personal equipment such as helmets, body armor, and ballistic goggles.

Statutory Corporations

A Statutory Corporation is a company created by order of the UN Socio-Economic Council, and is under the direct control of the government. The precise industry of an individual Statutory Corporation varies, but is most often a utility such as electricity or water supply but can include on a colonial level things such as refuse collection and healthcare, though colonial statutory corporations are created directly by order of the relevant Colonial Administration.


Solar Postal and Communications Corporation

Main article: Solar Postal and Communications Corporation

  • Headquarters: Geneva,Switzerland
  • Market Value: 40.5 trillion

The Solar Postal and Communications Corporation is the natural state owned monopoly on postal services and telecommunications, along with television and radio broadcasting within the Sol System. The SPCC was founded in 2027 after the passing of Socio-Economic Council Order #1454, buying out and unifying the companies Lunacom and Lunapost to provide a unified postal and telecommunications service to the colonies of Luna and Mars. Since then the SPCC has expanded to offer services such as Solbank, a postal savings bank and Blue™, an affordable mobile network operator. The SPCC is split into 3 primary divisions: Solpost (Postal and Delivery), Solcom (Communications and Broadcasting), and SPCC Services (Publications, Security, Construction, Etc) In addition to that the SPCC is the primary manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, including phones and relay equipment.


Central Electricity Generation Board

Main article: Central Electricity Generation Board

Whilst not a corporation in it's own right, the Central Electricity Generation Board is an agency of the Socio-Economic Department of the Colonial Administration of Mars with responsibility for the generation of and transmission of electricity on Mars. The CEGB engages in the bulk sale of electricity to private supply companies, who in turn supply the electricity to the end user. The CEGB also builds and maintains infrastructure such as power stations and substations.

Industrial & Manufacturing


Kusanagi Heavy Industries

A heavy machinery giant, Kusanagi Heavy Industries is a Japanese conglomerate specialising in equipment for shipping, manufacturing and construction. It owns and operates several shipyard facilities and is the largest contractor for the private shipbuilding industry in the solar system.

Kusanagi is also dipping its toes into the field of robotics, and often manufactures heavy, built-for-purpose robots and autonomous vehicles in sharp contrast with Gansai's more intelligent and diverse AI-powered robots.

Rendell Corporation

A bioplastic manufacturing company most known for its patented process of churning out millions of tons of biodegradable plastics made from plant matter. Besides its plastics business, the company has also dipped into the metallurgy and alloys markets, creating and forging metals for anything from PDA shells to starship hulls.


Kampff Inc.

Kampff is a biotechnology firm specializing in agriculture and meat production. Known as the largest supplier of synthmeat on Earth, it employs hundreds of factories and hydroponics gardens and supplies a significant amount of the world's packaged food supply. Its patents allow for animals to be raised and biopsied for meat without being slaughtered or even enduring cruelty or pain, slashing costs dramatically as well as keeping environmentalists satisfied.


A Martian-born synthmeat manufacturing company that offers more gourmet meat cuts than would otherwise be available via its usage of cloning vats to grow nonliving animal tissue. The result is high-quality cuts of meat similar to the finest steaks and chops, without ever slaughtering a single animal.


A Chinese genetic engineering company developing medical treatments for hereditary diseases and birth defects. Widely credited as the first to be capable of eliminating inherited diabetes in several developing embryos, and has made several advances in medical genetic engineering technology. They currently are working on a project to slow down natural senescence, or aging.

Space Transport & Shipping

Vale Interplanetary

A large interplanetary shipping line that operates more than a dozen massive cargo carriers hauling freight throughout the Sol system. It is gradually expanding its fleet with FTL technology to be able to ship interstellar cargo.

Ark Colonies Corporation

An extrasolar colony developer known for being the leading private colonization company of the planet Concordia. It currently operates three FTL-capable colony transports, complete with a cargo bay containing prefabricated shelters and buildings for establishing colonies.



Ottomar Ballistik und Dynamik GmbH (OBD) is a German firearms and technology supplier, known for making the latest in 'smart' technology systems employed by the Sol Defence Corps. A relatively new player in the global industry, OBD still strictly specialises in firearms and has a relatively long way to go to becoming a global contender.

OBD's weapons are packed with the latest and greatest technology, with their weapons and equipment able to interface wirelessly with hardsuits and control computers augmented to a shooter, and their efficiency is unparalleled.

Hennesey & Co. Armories

Hennesey & Co. Armories is an American weapons manufacturer formed out of the remnants of several collapsed firearms manufacturers in the US. Specializing in traditional weaponry their designs are dated by modern standards, often sporting conventional actions and no electronics to speak of. This is compensated by H&C weapons' legendary reliability, using the latest in metallurgy and forging technologies to make their guns able to fire tens of thousands of rounds without jamming, requiring maintenance or even cleaning.

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